The Freelancer is a high-scale thriller series that depicts an extraordinary rescue operation of a young girl held captive in war-torn Syria,” said creator and showrunner Neeraj Pandey.
The series is based on Shirish Thorat’s book ‘A Ticket To Syria,’ which tells the true story of Aliya. Described by Pandey as a ‘mammoth production,’ the big-budget project was filmed in Morocco, which served as a stand-in for Syria. Despite the challenges posed by the pandemic, a diverse team of actors and technicians from around the world came together to bring the story to life. ‘It was a huge challenge to get everyone together, considering what the world was going through,’ Pandey said.”
like to be a freelancer
Based on the book ‘A Ticket To Syria’, the story follows ex-cop turned mercenary Avinash Kamath, also known as ‘The Freelancer’, as he undertakes the daunting mission of rescuing Aliya, a newly married girl trapped in war-torn Syria amidst the rise of ISIS terrorism.
Freelancer series family-friendly. Parents should be aware that Freelance is an action comedy featuring John Cena as a former Army Special Ops operative hired to protect a journalist, played by Alison Brie, during her interview with an infamous dictator. The film includes scenes of violence with guns and shootings, some of which are fatal.